
Plugin stuck in infinite UNLOAD when server stops

Closed this issue · 3 comments

System: Alpine Linux Running in Docker
Kernel: 5.10.0-21-amd64
Minecraft Server Version: 1.19 w/ fabric-0.14.8
Python version: 3.11
MCDReforged Version: 2.9.0
Loginproxy Version 0.5.3

My LoginProxy config:

"minimum_permission_level": {
"help": 0,
"list": 1,
"query": 2,
"banned": 2,
"ban": 2,
"banip": 3,
"pardon": 3,
"pardonip": 3,
"whitelist": 2,
"enable": 3,
"disable": 3,
"allow": 3,
"allowip": 3,
"remove": 3,
"removeip": 3
"proxy_addr": {
"ip": "",
"port": 25565,
"ipv6": "::",
"ipv6_port": 25566
"enable_whitelist": false,
"enable_ip_whitelist": false,
"whitelist_level": 3,
"kick_cmd": "kick {name} {reason}",
"messages": {
"": "Your account has been banned",
"banned.ip": "Your ip has been banned",
"": "Your account is not in the whitelist",
"whitelist.ip": "Your ip is not in the whitelist"


[MCDR] [23:49:55] [MainThread/INFO]: 等待服务端进程停止
[MCDR] [23:49:55] [MainThread/INFO]: 服务端进程返回代码: 0
[MCDR] [23:49:55] [MainThread/INFO]: 服务端已关闭
[MCDR] [23:49:55] [MainThread/INFO]: 正在关闭 MCDR
[MCDR] [23:49:55] [TaskExecutor/INFO] [delayexe]: Delay ExE is on UNLOAD
[MCDR] [23:49:55] [TaskExecutor/INFO] [smart_servertime]: Smart server time is on UNLOAD
[MCDR] [23:49:55] [TaskExecutor/INFO] [timed_quick_backup_multi]: 插件卸载,停止时钟
[MCDR] [23:49:55] [TaskExecutor/INFO] [loginproxy]: Login proxy is on UNLOAD
[MCDR] [23:50:05] [WatchDog/WARNING]: TaskExecutor 线程已经 10 秒没有响应了,可能出了些问题
[MCDR] [23:50:05] [WatchDog/WARNING]: 正在于 TaskExecutor 线程中运行的插件 (如果存在的话): loginproxy@0.5.3
[MCDR] [23:50:05] [WatchDog/WARNING]: 重建 TaskExecutor 中

zyxkad commented

Looks like sth caused deadlock

zyxkad commented

Try if it fixed both of the issues.
I cannot install minecraft 1.19 to test right now because the school block it :(

Problem solved on v0.6.0