
Experiment persistence

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kmdn commented

Persist experiment / workflow setups & allow for easy re-loading of these.

Save experiment setup to a file.
Format already exists, so main considerations are

  1. when to save (e.g. upon execution)
  2. reload/retrieving mechanism - e.g. analogously to http://localhost:8080/result?id=<#id#> to extract it and allow for users to either have their experiment page be defined by (1) the GET parameter ID, (2) raw JSON paste area or (3) experiment ID to extract workflow from
  3. where to save it (if even required, as results already are)...

Experiment setups and workflows are saved alongside experiment results already (to show how these were produced --> important for explainability and future workflow recommendations).

Would be cool to easily re-execute setups without needing to click through everything multiple times!