
Would anyone like the ability to split the screen into columns?

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I've just done a small mod to the project, which adds a "Cols" setting next to Transpose, and allows you to add or subtract the column_count attribute of the page, splitting the chart up. It is a very "quick and dirty" way to get the whole song onto a single screen, some of the time, but it has pitfalls as well.

Here is a Mastodon post I just made, with screenshots of my mod - as you can see, with three columns it displays a well-known classic with a fair number of verses beautifully, no scrolling required:

You'll notice in the reply, though, that the 2-column view is kinda worse than one column, because both columns overflow beneath the viewport, so in theory you'd have to scroll down, then up, then down again - worst of both worlds. I'd like to eventually have it automatically find the view that cleanly displays the whole song, if there is one, or else defaults back to single column, but I'm more of a Python guy so JS is slow going. I got this done by copypasting stuff from the transpose stuff. :>

My own preference is not have to scroll at all, so I like having the option to use this - I have a TV on the wall of my studio which I sometimes use to display charts for the room, but it tends to get abandoned for the printer if I have to scroll; this will save me paper, and also maybe, just maybe, fulfill my longtime dream of having all my charts available on a tablet-type screen anywhere I go.

I can create a PR if there is interest in this, or fork if someone wants it but the project does not. I also swapped the order of chord symbol selection in some cases, favoring Bb, Eb, Ab, Db over their # counterparts. No reason other than my own aesthetics, doesn't have to be pulled.