
#slide-out scrollbar isn't perfect in Firefox 53

dmytrokyrychuk opened this issue · 2 comments

3rd party integration menu item in the sidebar may not be visible when the window height is too small. This is particularly noticeable on pages with a lot of menu items (such as Core concepts).

On the picture below the scrollbar is in its lowest position, but the last menu item is not visible.
documentation - mozilla firefox_343

I've been able to fix this issue using the following Stylish style:

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {
  #slide-out {
    height: 100vh;

The scrollbar appears correctly in Google Chrome 59.

Yeah, thank for the report! Django-material adds nasty hack - the last empty menu item to fix that.

Few days ago I saw the commit that fixes some sidebar problems in the MaterializeCSS repository. I'll check this issue when next version of MaterializeCSS would be available.

The issue is reproducible newer Firefox 58 as well.