Container desec-webhook in the state: ContainerCreating
Closed this issue · 4 comments
lorenzomonta commented
Version k8s: 1.28.2.
- I used the command "$ sed -i 's/default/yournamespace/g' examples/deploy/desec-webhook.yaml" to change the namespace. I see that the deployment "desec-webhook" is in the default namespace, is that correct?
- If I do a pod description I see the following events:
thank you
lorenzomonta commented
lorenzomonta commented
I re-launched the deployment on the correct namespace: now I see another error:
I found this post:
lorenzomonta commented
They say the problem is that the image is for x86 while I am running k8s on arm. How can I modify the image to run on arm?
lorenzomonta commented
Create a new docker image: lorenzomonta/cert-manager-webhook-desec
The only thing that has changed from before in the dockerfile is the string: "FROM --platform=arm64 golang:1.13-alpine AS build_deps" (before it was: "FROM golang:1.13-alpine AS build_deps").