
Call for maintainers

kmpm opened this issue · 3 comments

kmpm commented

This project is in need of maintenance and I (kmpm) do not have the time the project deserves.
I really don't use NodeMCU that much any more and am quite busy with other stuff.

If you feel you would like to help out either send me a message or make a comment here.
Would love some help.

@kmpm Peter, maybe you could consider adding me as a committer on the project. You might know that I am one of the main developers on the NodeMCU project, and keep a cut-down version in date for my own use. Another option would be for me just to update this master. Up to you. Regards Terry

PS. I am an acceptable python programmer. It's probably something like the 15-20th language that I've used, so pull across a lot of my perl, php, javascript, ... skills. When I learn a new language I always try to focus on the alignment to others that I know and the essential differences, but I still end up using Internet resources a lot. However, I don't know my way around the Python ecosystem, so I am not so familiar with tools like pypi.

kmpm commented

@TerryE, you should have an invite.
I have no hesitation adding you.

kmpm commented

I can publish to pypi, that's not the hard part. But digging up hardware, firmware and triaging bugs is a mess when you have time for it once in a quarter or so. :)