
The given key 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' was not present in the dictionary.

astron51 opened this issue · 1 comments

When trying to load the dummydll generated by the dumper it show PublicKeyToken=null

I get the same error as you.
Debugging the binary, it seems to fail on the method 'DoPass' from the class Pass60AddImplicitConversions. Specifically AssemblyRewriteContext assemblyByName = context.GetAssemblyByName("mscorlib");`, line 87 of RewriteGlobalContext.cs

This method does
public AssemblyRewriteContext GetAssemblyByName(string name) { return this.myAssemblies[name]; }
I'm not a super programmer, but it has something to do with a dictionary type not being filled proper.