
Mono.Cecil Error

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Not matter what Unity Game I try to use the program on, I always get the same error message:

Generating implicit conversions...

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type
at Mono.Cecil.Mixin.CheckType(Object type)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ImportReference(TypeReference type, IGenericParameterProvider context)
at AssemblyUnhollower.Passes.Pass60AddImplicitConversions.AddDelegateConversions(RewriteGlobalContext context)
at AssemblyUnhollower.Passes.Pass60AddImplicitConversions.DoPass(RewriteGlobalContext context)
at AssemblyUnhollower.Program.Main(UnhollowerOptions options)
at AssemblyUnhollower.Program.Main(String[] args)

I have tried using different versions of Mono.Cecil; nothig worked.
Games I've tried: Redmatch 2, Pistol Whip, Pixel Strike 3D.

This is a duplicate of #48.

--mscorlib should point at mod loader mscorlib (or at the very least GAC mscrolib), not dummy dll mscorlib.