Hip movement causes exaggerated chest movement.
Sqwhyurs opened this issue · 2 comments
I've recently ran into an issue using IKTweaks, where enabling it causes my hip tracker to have too much of an effect on my chest and neck. I've attached a (compressed) video below.
That's resolvable with the numerical settings. Had the same issue when I first started using it also.
PitchYawShoulders = true
IgnoreAnimations = false
PlantFeet = true
FullBodyVrIk = true
AddHumanoidPass = true
MapToes = true
UseKneeTrackers = true
UseElbowTrackers = true
UseChestTracker = true
CalibrateFollowHead = true
CalibrateHalfFreeze = true
CalibrateUseUniversal = false
CalibrateStorePerAvatar = true
DisableFbt = false
PinHipRotation = true
DoHipShifting = true
PreStraightenSpine = true
StraightenNeck = false
SpineRelaxIterations = 15
MaxSpineAngleFwd = 5
MaxSpineAngleBack = 5
MaxNeckAngleFwd = 0
MaxNeckAngleBack = 0
NeckPriority = 2
StraightSpineAngle = 30
StraightSpinePower = 10
CalibrateToAvatarHeight = false
IgnoreAnimationsMode = "None"
MeasureMode = "ImprovedWingspan"
APoseCalibration = true
Unrestrict3PointHeadRotation = true
WingspanMeasurementAdjustFactor = 1.13999998569489
OneHandedCalibration = false
NoWallFreeze = true
HandAngleOffset = [ 0, -105, 0 ]
HandPositionOffset = [ 0.0029999976977706, 0.00200000172480941, 0.00400000112131238 ]
Thank you, these values work perfectly!