[Camera Minus] REQUEST: Feature in Camera Mod to allow for disabling all features / switch to FULL screen grab only mode.
NjnaGrimsdottir opened this issue · 2 comments
Would be nice to have the option to make the whole camera just able to be grabbed via keybind toggle or even a menu option. That way once the camera's settings are complete, the you could lock down the UI and just make the whole camera object grabbable. configured it'd be so much easier to do cinematic stuff in VRChat.
My typical use case would be:
1) get into VRChat, turn on stream camera.
2) turn on smoothing (as that for some reason cannot be the default!! HELLO vrc devs!!)
3) set up the camera size and focal settings.
4) NEW FEATURE: Lock camera settings, resulting in entire camera object being a grabbable item.
5) Use camera without fighting to grab it constantly. <3
It seems it's an issue with laser pointer. Not for grabbing by hand. Since I'm curious I may check later.
Latest version of CameraMinus includes the ability to both turn off grabbing and turn off camera UI (and make the entire thing grabbable)