
On-cluster build: Add capability to export Pipelines used by non-PAC approach

zroubalik opened this issue · 1 comments

When using standard Tekton Pipelines to run On cluster build (without triggers, ie non-PAC approach), we create all resources (Pipeline and PipelineRun)on the fly, if there's a Pipeline/Run defined in the project directory (.tekton) , it is used instead:

func createAndApplyPipelineTemplate(f fn.Function, namespace string, labels map[string]string) error {

The only thing that is missing is actually the ability to export these resource, to be precise the UX part of it. There should be some command that exports these.
For PAC approach we use func config git set to generate pipelines, this is fine and could be also used here. But there's one catch, not all on cluster variants are using git - ie when we use direct code upload. Then it is a little be confusing to generate this under config git command.

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