
Proposal: Ability to draft the whole topology from a single space

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Would be nice if users can design the whole architecture of deployed Knative Services and Functions incl. triggers/sources etc from a single place.

There would be a tool with a UI designer where users can use drag&drop appraoch to design the app. And then create a template from this design. This can be a new CRD or something that would be generated by such tool and it could also contain predefined Functions projects (with runtime/type/git repo/...) specified.

This app should work both offline and online (connected to actual cluster). In the online mode it could also provide available events/sources, display existing Functions and Services etc.

This should be done in coordination with the Kogito/Serverless Workflow team and reuse the designer and existing tools. Users then could design the application from this designer and just specify whether they would like to design stateless or stateful design (or a combination of both). The "stateless" design would consist only of Knative Primitives (KSC, Broker - Event mesh, Sources...), the "stateful" desing would use the existing Kogito state management.

In ideal world this one tool should enable users to design the whole app around Event Mesh, connecting different KSVCs, Functions or plain old k8s Deployments.

lance commented

/kind feature-request

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