
GSoC idea: WASM support to Knative Functions

matzew opened this issue · 10 comments

In the past we have explored the idea to add support for WASM.

The most relevant discussion we had is listed here:

For Google Summer of Code 2024 it would be nice to have this as an application for a project idea.

- Description: Wasm aka WebAssembly provides a portable binary-code format that is ideal to write small functions. However, current support for Wasm in Knative Functions is limited and slow. This project will improve this support.
- Expected Outcome: Contribute Wasm support to Knative functions, documentation, sample code etc. Ideal outcome would be running Wasm code via Knative Functions in a convenient way. However, there are some unknowns. Other possible outcome could be identifying the roadblocks and possible improvements
- Recommended Skills: basic programming skills, use IDE and debugger, some experience with Kubernetes
- Expected project size: medium (~175 hour project)
- Mentor(s):
  - @aslom
  - @matzew
  - @lkingland

Hello @matzew, I'm interested to work on this idea for GSOC 2024. Can you provide me any resources where I can get started. Also, is there any slack link for the same?

Hello @matzew @aslom @lkingland I am crazy about the CNCF project for now I feel this one is the most suitable one for me according to my skill set. Could you guide me further on 'How to start?'?

Cool project to work with I have gone through the outline of the project. I hope I could grab this opportunity.

hello @matzew @aslom @lkingland , i am a computer science undergrad from india , i am interested in WebAssembly and have worked with it before as well, when i was working on a project called scarpe , i think this projects is handcrafted for me and will love to contribute to this project, can you suggest some things to start with like issues which revolve around limitations and slowness of support for wasm in Knative functions or issues to work on while getting familiar with codebase.

I am interested in this project.....Will keep updating people what I'll learn for solving this

Interested in contributing!

hi @matzew I am interested in contributing!

Hello @matzew @aslom @lkingland mentors i am Harshal Rembhotkar , 4th semester Engineering(Automobile) student, i excited to join your organization ,my tech stacks are Java , html, css ,version control system, springboot framework ,mysql DB and technologies that i learned are like docker ,kubernetes and i also i have little idea about other Devops tools. i am selected this project for GSOC '24.
Thanks !!

Hello Folks,

You can find additional information about the GsoC program on the website:

You can submit a proposal via the web form:

If you're interested in contributing outside of the GsoC program, please feel free to take a look through issues tagged "good-first-issue" and join us on the CNCF Slack in #knative-functions

The actual link to the proposed GSoC idea: