
[potential contribution] listing more than just tables in the drawer

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In particular things like functions and procedures would be nice to have (ala pgadmin4). I have been working with procedures a lot recently and have a few notes containing very short "create ddl" scripts (basically select pg_catalog.pg_get_functiondef('proc name'::regproc); - it'd be nice to be able to on the procedure in the drawer, same as you do for tables, and be able to execute the "create ddl script" just like I have for tables.

Anyways, how might I go about adding support for this kind of thing? I haven't found anything to suggest this is possible out of the box right now, but I am open to adding this functionality since it will be a win for me personally :)

Hi @willruggiano you can start by looking into how the postgres driver in go is structured - notably the Structure method.
Look at how the query is written and how the structure output is assembled from it.

Let me know if you need anything!