
Parser can be slow

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Since we're using the full SCSS parser on each call, producing a Parser object can end up being really slow. Need to look into either partial SCSS compilation, or caching the result of the parser somehow.

Another idea I had here: write my own comment parser. That way I can just take in any LESS/SCSS/CSS files, ignore all of the rules, and just grab the comments. I'm thinking this might be a better route long term.

Looks like my comment parser idea totally worked here. These aren't perfect tests, but I repeated them several times and got similar numbers.


~/src/kneath/kss (old)$ time ruby -I lib -rubygems -rkss -e '"/Users/kneath/src/github/github/public/stylesheets/github")'

real    0m2.217s
user    0m2.135s
sys 0m0.076s

With comment parser

~/src/kneath/kss (master)$ time ruby -I lib -rubygems -rkss -e '"/Users/kneath/src/github/github/public/stylesheets/github")'

real    0m0.084s
user    0m0.075s
sys 0m0.008s
tmm1 commented
