
Convert SVG to PDF using 100% JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hey, if your imagination can't extract this information out of the project's title, you may not be able to use it... But yes, it's a pure javascript converter for SVG to PDF.


Yes! I started this for making PDF export from svg-edit possible.


It can convert text, lines, rectangles, ellipses and groups of these elements.


// I recommend to keep the svg visible as a preview
var svg = $('#container > svg').get(0);
// you should set the format dynamically, write [width, height] instead of 'a4'
var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4');
svgElementToPdf(svg, pdf, {
	scale: 72/96, // this is the ratio of px to pt units
	removeInvalid: true // this removes elements that could not be translated to pdf from the source svg
pdf.output('datauri'); // use output() to get the jsPDF buffer



  • Image elements
  • multi-page pdf (from svg layers)
  • remove bad practices from code
  • remove jQuery dependency (or use sth lighter)
  • make a demo site with svg-edit
  • node.js compatibility (for server-side pdf creation)