
Add Whatsapp icon

pascalwacker opened this issue · 5 comments


I really like your work and how nice it scales. The only thing, that is missing for me is a "Whatsapp" icon (which should only display on phones, so let's say when the resolution is <= 767px)

is there anything like that planed?
If no, could you tell me, how to make an path from an icon, to add it?

Thanks (:

dbox commented

dup of #81 and #122. I'm fine with adding but we can't simply just remove it with a media query, will break the setup. Open to thoughts on what to do with it

What's about hiding it in the $(window).resize(function () { on line 359 of
You could add a class like hidden and then check for it in the checkSize function to ignore the "hidden" button.

Maybe it could be used as a general approach for hiding and showing buttons for desktop or mobile only.

With the button-code from #122 and the idea mentioned above this would be a great feature to have.

Ouu, I haven't seen #122 yet, but I also made an implementation and a pull request for it: #166

dbox commented

Should be good to go in 1.10.0. Let me know if any issues arise! 🎉