
Optimal script Usage

ballios opened this issue · 0 comments

Can you please explain to me this:

If I use Optional: Configure URL and share text with javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    // required:
    title: 'This is the email subject and/or tweet text',
    url: '',
    // optional:
    description: 'Longer description used with some providers',
    emailBody: 'Usually email body is just the description + url, but you can customize it if you want'

then I can - not use this part "HREF" in:
<a href="" class="popup">

<li class="rrssb-facebook">
    <a href="" class="popup">
      <span class="rrssb-icon"></span>
      <span class="rrssb-text">facebook</span>

And thus get such simple code like this:
<li class="rrssb-facebook"><a href="#" class="popup"><span class="rrssb-icon"></span><span class="rrssb-text">facebook</span></a></li>

Or not?
P.S. I just try to get smaller (as possible) code structure...