
Workout management web app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome To FitMe

Heroku Meteor Setup Instructions:

  • If you have not already install the heroku toolbelt please do so before you continue. If your using cloud9 the toolbelt is already installed.
Login to your heroku account

heroku login then enter your credentials.

If you dont already have an app created follow these instructions. If you already have an app skip these steps.

Step 1: heroku create yourAppName

Set the buildpack

Step 2: heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/AdmitHub/meteor-buildpack-horse.git

Create a mongoLab sandbox database

Step 3: heroku addons:create mongolab:sandbox

In your heroku dashboard click on your newly created mongoLab addon to view your MONGO_URL

Step 4: heroku config:add MONGO_URL=YOUR-MONGOLAB-URL

Give your app a domain

Step 5: heroku config:add ROOT_URL=http://yourappname.herokuapp.com

Configure the settings file for stripe, make sure you have the development settings file in the workspace.

Step 6: heroku config:add METEOR_SETTINGS="$(cat settings-development.json)"

Deploy your app

Step 7: git push heroku master

If you wish to deploy from a different branch than master such as devel, you would do git push heroku devel:master

If you already have an app created then you just need to set the git remote.
  • To set heroku git remote: heroku git:remote -a yourappname

Using Cloud9 IDE:

Clone FitMe

  • Click on repositories on the left hand side of your cloud9 dashboard
  • Click clone on the FitMe Repo.
  • Give the project a name, description and use the blank workspace template.
  • Copy this command into your cloud9 terminal to instal meteor: curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
  • Run a meteor update before your first run
  • To start meteor use npm run meteor
Project Settings
  • Enable soft tabs and set to 2 spaces
  • Enable on save, strip white space

Using git

  • View changes made: git status this will show you all the files you have changed
  • Add all changes: git add . this will add all files to the commit
  • Add individual files: git add /path/to/file
  • Commit: git commit -m "Your commit message here", create a commit with all files added
  • Push: git push origin branch-name push changes to the specified branch
  • Pull changes: git pull origin branch-name, pull changes anyone has made to a branch