
Upload issue

selva-v opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Tim,

Firstly I would like to express my thanks for the great work. I'm very new to ember, so my question maybe silly.

I have installed ember-plupload in my test project on my local machine. while trying to upload a image, i'm getting the below issue. can you please help me to resolve this. Also i want to do base64 as well.

POST http://localhost:4200/upload/images/upload 404 (Not Found)

My code is,

file.upload('images/upload').then(function (response) {
                set(image, 'url', response.headers.Location);
            }, function () {
                console.log("File uploaded");

Thanks in advance.

Hi @selva-v, no worries :)

I don't believe you've setup the endpoint to upload, and that's what you're experiencing