
how can i created a shellcode.bin from .exe file

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lcale commented

hi my friend how can i create a shellcode.bin from an exe file


hi my friend how can i create a shellcode.bin from an exe file


pe2shc.exe [path to your PE] [output path*]:

lcale commented

i am trying to convert a nanocore rat .exe to shellcode with that app that you said me but when a try to do this launch this error
invalid payload
could not allocate memory at the desired base
could not read the input file

i am trying to convert a nanocore rat .exe to shellcode with that app that you said me but when a try to do this launch this error
invalid payload
could not allocate memory at the desired base
could not read the input file

Nanocore is a .net program if I use it correctly.There is no way to convert such programs like nanocore rat or quasar into shellcode.You could try ghost rat or other native pe rat.
AND PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU R SAFE when you use these rat tools!!!

lcale commented