Unfortunately we decided to not maintain this project anymore (see why). If you want to mark another package as a replacement for this one please send an email to hello@knplabs.com.
A command to load them all
This library uses the awesome nelmio/alice library.
composer require --dev knplabs/rad-fixtures-load:~1.0
class AppKernel
function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Knp\Rad\FixturesLoad\Bundle\FixturesLoadBundle(),
return $bundles;
Inside your bundle, you have to store your Alice fixtures files into Resources/fixtures/orm
Just run the command
app/console rad:fixtures:load
Or if you need both resetting your schema, just add -r option
app/console rad:fixtures:load -r
I've got two bundles, App
and Api
app/console rad:fixtures:load -b App -b Api
The order is important. Fixtures will be loaded following this order.
If I run this command
app/console rad:fixtures:load -f dev
All files finishing with .dev.yml
will be loaded. And just those files.
You can also chain filters.
app/console rad:fixtures:load -f dev -f test
In this case, order doesn't have any importance.
You just have to tag your service with knp_rad_fixtures_load.provider
or knp_rad_fixtures_load.processor
class: My\Provider
- { name: knp_rad_fixtures_load.provider }
class: My\Processor # implements Nelmio\Alice\ProcessorInterface
- { name: knp_rad_fixtures_load.processor }