
[ep6-security] [login-form-authenticator]

Arman-Hosseini opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello guys.
I have reviewed this chapter and I noticed a problem.

In this section, the CSRF token is not checked and this is a serious problem.


public function getCredentials(Request $request)
    $isLoginSubmit = $request->getPathInfo() == '/login' && $request->isMethod('POST');
    if (!$isLoginSubmit) {
        // skip authentication
    $form = $this->formFactory->create(LoginForm::class);
    $data = $form->getData();
    return $data;

And I considered the following solution for it:

    if ( $form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid() )
        $data = $form->getData();
        return $data;
    throw new CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException("The CSRF token is invalid!");

I hope that this issue will be useful.

Please check this out.

Hey @Arman-Hosseini

Thanks for highlighting that problem. Your solution may work but here is a better way to check if the CRSF token is valid

Actually, CSRF is not too important for login form I think, as you still need to know the valid credentials, i.e. username and password. I don't see a big problem that CSRF may harm here, do you @Arman-Hosseini ? I mean, if someone will send a SCRF request to the login endpoint - it will just fail because the intruder does not know valid credentials. Or, if the intruder does know the credentials - well, then the CSRF is the smallest problem for you because they can log in directly without any CSRF :)

Yes, but not having it will lead to easier cracking of the login form.

Yea, even on the login form, you should have csrf. It looks like we show that for Symfony 4, but not 3. Probably best to add a note, since 3.4 is still supported.

Also, fun fact, samesite cookies kill the need for csrf. They are possible in Symfony 4, but I think will be on by default for Symfony 5. We’ll likely show those for our sf5 tutorial.

Agree, sounds good to add a note about it with a link that refers to the page Diego mentioned where we're talking about CSRF in Sf4. @Arman-Hosseini could you create an initial a PR for this note?

Yes, I will be making a request soon.
With thanks for your attention.

OK, great! Thank you for helping with this @Arman-Hosseini !