
200~ and 200~ characters when pasting into Parameter fields

jaroslawhartman opened this issue · 0 comments


  • Found on MacOS iTerm2 but very likely other terminals / systems are affected
  • Hitting when Select snippets at the current line (like C-r) in ZSH used
  • To reproduce - paste a text into parameter field (when pet invoked with Ctrl-s):


Note 200~ and 201~ at the beginning and end of the text in the 2nd field.


This seems to be ZSH incompatibility problem between 5.0.8 and 5.1:

Incompatibilites between 5.0.8 and 5.1

The default behaviour when text is pasted into an X Windows terminal has
changed significantly (unless you are using a very old terminal emulator
that doesn't support this mode). Now, the new "bracketed paste mode"
treats all the pasted text as literal characters. This means, in
particular, that a newline is simply inserted as a visible newline; you
need to hit Return on the keyboard to execute the pasted text in one go.
See the description of zle_bracketed_paste in the zshparams manual for
more. "unset zle_bracketed_paste" restores the previous behaviour.

Fix: add unset zle_bracketed_past to the snippets.

When added, the problem is no longer there:


I will rasie a PR.

Best regards,