Axis travels double the length after TMC2208 Upgrade
TheFrobber opened this issue · 2 comments
I upgraded My AI3M-S from some other Marlin 1.9 version to your Marlin Version 1.5.1 because I also upgradet to Wetterott TMC2208 Stepper Drivers and I plan to Upgrade to BL-Touch in the future. Now I have the problem, that one of the drivers seems to double the movement of the Axis, I first had the faulty driver plugged in the X Axis, resulting in streched prints and the Printhead crashing into the right frame. To varify its the drivers fault I reflashed the Firmware which did not change anything and then changed the driver with the Y-Axis driver. Now my Y-Axis moves 20mm instead of 10mm and the X-Axis is fine.
I know its not really a bug from the Software, but I am a bit confused what has happened, because they are all the same drivers and they all should behave the same no? Is there a way to fix it or do I have to get a new driver?
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards,
I replaced the TMC2208 with a new one from Watterott and now it works perfectly.