Party Mode
Closed this issue · 5 comments
As i like to have my Yamaha Amp providing music in all my rooms, i would like to suggest adding a optional config for party mode like this:
def _select_input_source(self):
if self.source is not None:
self._put('<Input><Input_Sel>%s</Input_Sel></Input>' % self.source)
if is not None:
self._put('<System><Party_Mode><Mode>%s</Mode></Party_Mode></System>' &
Of course Source definitions for Zone2 and Zone3 are further options.
Edit: Sorry, but format the phython code with markup seems not to work for me.
That would be of course:
self._put('<Party_Mode><Mode>On</Mode></Party_Mode>', zone='System')
Thanks for the well documented feature request.
I think my receiver is missing the party mode option so I am unable to test it myself, but I have added the feature and released it as v0.2.3.
I would appreciate a confirmation if it is working as expected.
For some reason setting
party_mode = on
in mopidy.config. does not set self.party_mode for me.
i added print "source=%s party_mode=%s" % (source,self.party_mode) to the code and it gave:
source=AUDIO2 party_mode=None
Setting self.party_mode to True in the Code switches PartyMode correctly though.
Thanks for the feedback!
This is an obvious bug from my side. Fix released as v0.2.5. Please install latest and try again.
Just tested.
All fine now.