
697 - Tag

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type IsNever<T> = [T] extends [never] ? true : false
type IsAny<T> = 0 extends (1 & T) ? true : false
type Is<T, K> = [T] extends [K] ? [K] extends [T] ? true : false : false

type StartsWith<T extends any[], K extends any[]> = 
  T extends [infer T0, ...infer Tr]
  ? K extends [infer K0, ...infer Kr]
    ? Is<T0, K0> extends true
      ? StartsWith<Tr, Kr>
      : false
    : true
  : [] extends K
  ? true
  : false

type StartsWithTest = [
  Expect<Equal<StartsWith<[2,0,2,1], [2,0]>, true>>,
  Expect<Equal<StartsWith<[2,0,2,1], [2,1]>, false>>,
  Expect<Equal<StartsWith<[2,0,2,1], [2]>, true>>,
  Expect<Equal<StartsWith<[2,0,2,1], [2,0,2,1]>, true>>,
  Expect<Equal<StartsWith<[2,0,2,1], [2,0,2,1,2]>, false>>,
  Expect<Equal<StartsWith<[2,0,2,1], []>, true>>,

type SuccessionWith<T extends any[], K extends any[]> = 
  T extends [infer T0, ...infer Tr]
  ? K extends [infer K0, ...infer Kr]
    ? Is<T0, K0> extends true
      ? StartsWith<Tr, Kr>
      : SuccessionWith<Tr, K>
    : [] extends K
    ? true
    : false
  : false

type SuccessionWithTest = [
  Expect<Equal<SuccessionWith<[2,0,2,1], [1,2]>, false>>,
  Expect<Equal<SuccessionWith<[2,0,2,1], [2,0]>, true>>,
  Expect<Equal<SuccessionWith<[2,0,2,1], [2]>, true>>,
  Expect<Equal<SuccessionWith<[2,0,2,1], [2,0,2,1]>, true>>,
  Expect<Equal<SuccessionWith<[2,0,2,1], [1,2,0,2,1]>, false>>,
  Expect<Equal<SuccessionWith<[2,0,2,1], []>, true>>,

 * Define tag container as function
type Tags<T extends string[], B> = () => [T, B]

 * Inject tags to any types except `null` and `undefined`.
 * `null | (null & Tags<T, null>)` wold be evaluated to `null`, so null cannot be labeled with tag(s), and `undefined` is the same.
type SetTags<B, T extends string[]> =
  IsNever<B> extends true
  ? Tags<T, B>
  : IsAny<B> extends true
  ? Tags<T, B>
  : Is<B, unknown> extends true
  ? Tags<T, B>
  : B | (B & Tags<T, B>)

 * Extract original type which already labeled with tags.
 * If `B` is an Union Type, only labeled with tag type would be returned as Union Type.
type GetTagged<B> = B extends Tags<infer _, infer T> ? T : never

 * Get tag string tuple from type `B`.
 * If `B` is an Union Type which all members are labeled with tags, this type returns Union Type of tag tuples.
 * When all members are labeled with exactly same tag(s), only one tuple will be retuned by Union Type's characteristics.
type GetTagTupples<B> = 
  IsNever<Exclude<B, GetTagged<B>>> extends true
  ? IsNever<B> extends true
    ? []
    : IsAny<B> extends true
    ? []
    : B extends Tags<infer T, infer _>
    ? T
    : never
  : B extends Tags<infer T, never>
  ? T
  : []

type Tag<B, T extends string> = SetTags<UnTag<B>, [...GetTags<B>, T]>

type UnTag<B> = B extends infer X ? X extends Tags<infer _, infer K> ? K : X : never

 * Get tag string tuple from type `B`.
 * If `B` is an Union Type which all members are labeled with tags, this type returns Union Type of tag tuples.
 * When all members are labeled with exactly same tag(s), only one tuple will be retuned by Union Type's characteristics.
type GetTags<B> = GetTagTupples<Exclude<B, null | undefined>>

type HasTag<B, T extends string> = HasTags<B, [T]>

type HasTags<B, T extends readonly string[]> = SuccessionWith<GetTags<B>, [...T]> extends true ? true : false

type HasExactTags<B, T extends readonly string[]> = Is<GetTags<B>, T>