
swap tags + branches - v2 / v3

tejasmanohar opened this issue · 11 comments

koa-compose@3 should have dist-tag of next on npm and @2 latest since v3 is for koa v2 which is currently in alpha on npm

#35 +1

👍 adding both of you as npm owners

thx, changed.

$ npm dist-tag ls koa-compose
latest: 2.3.0
next: 3.0.0

@jonathanong mind moving v2.x code to master and master code to next so it lines up with all the rest of the repos in this org? more intuitive for latest to be on master. i can do it too if you add me to repo.

ps: looks like bf5eb1d (maybe it was a PR?) up'd the version... guessing no one noticed because 2.3.1 hasn't been published to npm.

added to the team :)

@jonathanong is it possible I only have read access and not write? when I try to edit a file on github interface...

You’re editing a file in a project you don’t have write access to. Submitting a change to this file will write it to a new branch in your fork tejasmanohar/compose, so you can send a pull request.

when I try to push to origin-

$ git remote -v
origin  git@github.com:koajs/compose.git (fetch)
origin  git@github.com:koajs/compose.git (push)

$ git push origin next
ERROR: Permission to koajs/compose.git denied to tejasmanohar.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

iirc, "read" is a permission level even for public repos- github orgs are a bit wonky :P

oh shit

i kind of wish write was default. it's read by default :(

@jonathanong thx. i agree. you should be able to change that here

oh shit sweet