
About Customize HTTP Status Codes

Closed this issue · 7 comments

We have to use the customize HTTP codes for some reasons like login expired(code 440 , see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes) or customize code range 7xx.

But they'll throw Error by both API this.status and this.throw, because there're only RFC codes in http.STATUS_CODES and jshttp/statuses/codes.json.

Should we let koa to support the customize HTTP status codes?

i made it easier to add custom status codes in statuses. feel free to add them :D

for custom status codes, it might actually be easier to add the status codes globally to the statuses module at start up.

var statuses = require('statuses');
statuses['700'] = 'custom status';


@zedgu can you tell me if changing the statuses module globally works for you?

Actually, we need status codes for http response header, not a simple message for node server side console.

And, we only got 500 in browser and Internal Server Error on server side.

var koa = require('koa')
  , app = koa()
  , statuses = require('statuses')

statuses['440'] = 'login expired';
app.use(function *(next) {
  yield next;


anything wrong?

Should we just don't check http.STATUS_CODES in here https://github.com/koajs/koa/blob/master/lib/context.js#L129 ,
only check 100 < err.status < 600?

my fault, this line https://github.com/koajs/koa/blob/master/lib/response.js#L72 is the problem

and i'd love to make the PR

yep, you should change them both. :)

oh yeah. both should be less strict. PR welcomed :)