
next branch??

Closed this issue · 10 comments

There was a next branch here for Koa^2.0, it's seemingly vanished.

Is an updated version being maintained elsewhere?

use koa-convert

we should probably add this to the readme of koa... way too many questions about it.

we should probably add this to the readme of koa

@tejasmanohar I'm not sure koa-convert works with koa-mount. I don't have time to check that util this weekend. If no, will submit a PR 😄

@tejasmanohar should we mention koa-convert in koa's Readme?


should we mention koa-convert in koa's Readme?

probably. we've seen soo many issues opened about using modules for koa 2 :P

I am using koa-convert, but last week I didn't have to. There was a #next branch that i was tracking against.

Unless there is another repo out there that has the name koa-mount without being THIS repo.

koa-convert + koa-mount does have a conflict with koa-router when using the .options functionality. At least in some of my tests that seemed to occur. I believe I'm tracking a fork of this project now.

Searched through all the other issues as mentioned and found my answers. Should have checked closes issues first. Thanks team.

@nevercast how did you manage to have it working with koa-router?

@vesparny I found a fork that added a next implementation. I might switch to tracking @coderhaoxin 's branch tomorrow when I'm back at work, since I know the next branch worked and Convert breaks.