
Support actions for things other than droplets

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Returning an action instead of a return_dict should be supported wherever supported by the API, not just for droplets.

I will try to add some pull requests, as time permits.

PR are more than welcome, but remember that the main philosophy of the tool is to "mirror" the behaviour of the API (what they return etc etc) but with python objects and classes. So If you want to implement that, you must be sure to return just what the API will return, but inside python objects (if native not possible).

This thread is pretty old, but I've got a wider question: Are you planning to add support for loadbalancers? I see that in Golang tools there is support for most operations doable via api, but this lib is lacking basic lb support. Is adding it in the scope of development?

Yes, but I am no longer writing code on this as this DO removed my credits.
So if you want to add new feature, you can! I will review it and we can collaborate on it. Just write a PR as in the pure open source spirit :)

Go is a great alternative, but this library is for python!

Closing due to lack of activity :(