
Release new version

Closed this issue · 11 comments

After stumbling upon the tag API bug fixed back in february, I noticed that the last update on pip was back in december. Would it be possible to update the pip package to reflect the recent fixes/improvements?

I was waiting for the PR to be updated honestly

wolph commented

Can you release an intermediate version perhaps? It'se been 6 months since this pull request and I still have to install from git manually ;)

I could also use this. What is it that you were looking to be updated?

I am on it, I would like to use gitlab to enable this automagically on master branch :)

Eta: next week, sorry I am very very busy! :(

wolph commented

with Travis that's literally just a few lines of code to enable: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/pypi/

perhaps a nice option for you :)

I found gitlab much more powerful and useful (and integrated with everything I need).
Have you tried that? :)

I will use GitLab. For now just sync for CICD, later maybe I will move 100% from GitHub to GitLab.

wolph commented

I've used Gitlab quite extensively for a few of my customers but I've never tried pypi releases that way. So far I've always found Github more convenient for open source projects with the simple reason that more people use it.

I'll take a look though, Travis is a tad too quirky for my taste. I've had a fair share of problems with them

Bump. I just ran into the Python 3 unicode error for tagging droplets. Any ETA?

Bump, just hit tag error. Please release a new version - whatever changes might be made with the management of the module shouldn't get in the way of fixing major bugs.

Just released as requested. If you find problems please open a PR as I am not actively developing it, but I am maintaining it for contributors

@koalalorenzo thanks :) and thanks for a great project, just came across it today and it's working really well.