
Configuration for AL1402G format

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Would like a configuration for reading data in AL1402G serial output format (http://www.wavefrontsemi.com/UserFiles/File/AL_Info/AL14/Wavefront%20AL1402G%20OptoRec%20Data%20Sheet.pdf). Note table of contents is wrong, page 3 is the serial output interface, not the input interface.

Would like configuration to read left-justified 24-bit samples, MSB first, BCLK falls on WORDCLOCK edge (format "00"). If some other format supported by the 1402 is easier (e.g. formats "01" or "11") that is OK too.

Word clock is external to Pi (e.g. is an input to the Pi).

Note that unlike I2S specification, there is no 1-bit delay after WORDCLOCK transition, the MSB immediately follows the word clock.

AL1402G spec implies that each word is actually 32 bits, last 8 bits are to be discarded by the receiver. E.g. the Pi driver will see 8 BCLK transitions after the LSB is received - all bits after the 24th are discarded until the next word clock transition.
