Bug report: Create on chain identity fails and shows weird popup
damskyftw opened this issue · 4 comments
maybe it's because kodadot.merchandise@protonmail.com
address is too long (max 32chars)
substrate pallet
This address is used on other identities without problem, but on Kusama
This address is used on other identities without problem, but on Kusama
I made a couple test with long address (more thant 32chars) and it didn't worked, small address worked
Did you try to set it through Polkadot js app?
IMO this issue is not related with Kodadot but rather with bsx or subtrate team
This address is used on other identities without problem, but on Kusama
I made a couple test with long address (more thant 32chars) and it didn't worked, small address worked Did you try to set it through Polkadot js app?
IMO this issue is not related with Kodadot but rather with bsx or subtrate team
Yes, but we allow to input longer email address in the filed and therefore it’s showing bug on our site. We should at least specify this to avoid confusion or limit the number of characters