
unused_import does not seem to be working

chaseklingelzen opened this issue · 1 comments


Our team noticed that unused_import does not seem to be working. Here is what our swiftlint.yml file looks like:

# Style Guide Commit 4848da9 on March 18, 2021
parent_config: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raywenderlich/swift-style-guide/4848da92c5af84c22427ef6e3a1a6cdbe097eb49/com.raywenderlich.swiftlint.yml

  - indentation_width
  - trailing_comma
  - array_constructor
  - trailing_whitespace
  - vertical_whitespace_opening_braces

  warning: 140
  ignores_comments: true
  ignores_urls: true

  - "*/MockingbirdSupport"
  - "*/Tests/MockingbirdMocks"
  - "*/Tests/Unit/MockingbirdMocks"

We also tried with the new url and no luck.

New URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kodecocodes/swift-style-guide/main/com.raywenderlich.swiftlint.yml

It's entirely possible we are doing something on our end that is overriding the default behavior, but we wanted to check here first to see if you guys had any thoughts/ideas as to why this rule isn't working. To be clear, it seems that all other rules are working at this time.

Thanks in advance for any guidance here!

Talked to the SwiftLint team on this. It looks like we don't get out of the box warnings in xcode for unused_import.
