
Laravel 6.0

stygiansabyss opened this issue · 9 comments

Is there any chance of this working for laravel 6.0? The ~5.0 will no longer work anymore.

Hope there will be a solution :(

can any one you submit a PR? i'm on a vacation these days so wont be able to quickly upgrade.

@kodeine need your input on something real quick, in order for the tests to work on Laravel versions >=5.7 you need PHP version 7.0+ because the method signatures for setUp() and tearDown() have been updated to include a void return type. This means the tests, specifically, cannot support both PHP Versions < 7.0 and Laravel 5.8+. PHP 7.0 and below are EOL now, so I don't think it would be a terrible thing for this package to drop support for them, but that's not my call to make. Note that the package itself works with any version of Laravel/PHP, provided the PHP Version doesn't conflict with Illuminate.

I think lets move from this branch (1.0) and create a temporary branch which supports php 7 and above and we will merge that with master. Keeping this 1.0 branch for <7.0 and laravel <6.
What do you think

That works for me, the new version would have to support PHP 7.2+ since that's the lowest version Laravel/Illuminate 6.0 support. I will get a PR up for that today and change the TravisCI file for that branch to test on 7.2 and 7.3 only

Thanks guys!

@alec-joy if you get time, can you please update the wiki/readme and remove any migration changes we did maybe readme is reflecting to old method.

By migration changes do you just mean what I had to do to make the package 6.0 compatible? I didn't make changes to the actual migration files (though i realize it says I did, I'm working on a Windows machine at the moment and I forgot to check the line endings before committing so it says I modified almost everything)

aa okay, makes sense. Please change the wiki/readme as needed so others can know about the changes. Thank you!