
automation test failed at a certain time even the job hasn't reached the timeout limit

tianmingkai opened this issue · 4 comments

What happened?

Ubuntu 20.04 + Pytest

What did you expect to happen?

  1. 超时时间设置生效,在用例未执行完成的情况下等待超时时间到达在结束任务。
    How To Reproduce it(as minimally and precisely as possible)
  1. pytest的用例执行时间超过15分钟。
  2. 设置测试超时时间为59分钟。
  3. 执行测试任务。

Install Methods

  • Helm
  • Script base on K8s
  • All in One
  • Offline
    zadig为All in One的安装方式

Versions Used


kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.3", GitCommit:"1e11e4a2108024935ecfcb2912226cedeafd99df", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-10-14T12:50:19Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.3", GitCommit:"1e11e4a2108024935ecfcb2912226cedeafd99df", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-10-14T12:41:49Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}


Cloud Provider:




Services Status

kubectl version
kubectl get po -n `zadig-installed-namespace`
# paste output here

If there is abnormal service, please provide service log

kubectl describe pods `abnormal-pod`
kubectl logs --tail=500 `abnormal-pod`
# paste output here

[root@localhost ~]# kubectl get pods -n zadig
aslan-7857c76f7-8246r 2/2 Running 18 33d
config-5d5dd978bc-plh8n 1/1 Running 18 33d
cron-758877b7c9-jkfc2 2/2 Running 16 33d
dind-0 1/1 Running 8 33d
discovery-74945fc6d4-crnn8 1/1 Running 8 33d
gateway-bbc46b54c-vwfr4 1/1 Running 8 33d
gateway-proxy-f7d46ccb9-vphjh 1/1 Running 8 33d
gloo-6756cbfcf4-qsdm9 1/1 Running 8 33d
hub-server-7fd69fdc5c-bvmjc 1/1 Running 9 33d
nsqlookup-0 1/1 Running 8 33d
nsqlookup-1 1/1 Running 8 33d
nsqlookup-2 1/1 Running 8 33d
opa-5fc7cbd779-xpq8g 1/1 Running 8 33d
picket-7f8fd4b99d-84lt6 1/1 Running 8 33d
podexec-64f94894fb-f8zmw 1/1 Running 8 33d
policy-6d7bcff5d5-s274z 1/1 Running 10 33d
resource-server-5847655f8c-vwz6z 1/1 Running 8 33d
soc-ci-job-55-testingv2-k49ch-44k69 1/1 Running 0 5m10s
user-5fdf46747d-qxnzr 1/1 Running 18 33d
warpdrive-5bc9b8d58c-hhslr 2/2 Running 17 33d
warpdrive-5bc9b8d58c-j77z4 2/2 Running 16 33d
zadig-ingress-nginx-controller-c5bcfc9df-tgg9t 1/1 Running 8 33d
zadig-minio-79b8b65d47-w5wst 1/1 Running 8 33d
zadig-mongodb-7f587776b-mwr8n 1/1 Running 8 33d
zadig-mysql-0 1/1 Running 8 33d
zadig-portal-58985c4cbd-w4bs8 1/1 Running 8 33d
zadig-zadig-dex-fb88cdb7d-gd5w7 1/1 Running 19 33d
[root@localhost ~]#

the failure has nothing to do with timeout setting. you can use sleep 70 in shell scripts and set timeout to 1min, the job will fail for timeout.
I suggest you check your test case(s).

PS: the title is changed to automation test failed at a certain time even the job hasn't reached the timeout limit, please be noted.

When I set the timeout less than 15m, the timeout works as expected.
However, I use random sequence and the job still ended at 15:02s。

And as you can see in the screenshot, all the cases running as expected, and it exited suddenly without any error。
Could you show me some methods to debug the issue?

Sorry...I'm not so good at Python. You can ask your workmate who is more experienced for help

@tianmingkai hi~ long time no reply, the issue will be closed, please be noted.
if you still have question(s), new issue(s) is welcomed.