
  1. Install nvm:

Follow the instructions at to install nvm.

  1. Install Node.js 18: Run the following command to install Node.js 18 using nvm:
nvm install 18
  1. Install Yarn: Run the following command to install Yarn globally:
npm i -g yarn
  1. Create an AWS account

  2. Create a .env.local file in the project's root folder with the following content:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your access key id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your secret access key
# Region ap-northeast-1 is at tokyo

Getting Started

  1. Open the JavaScript Debug Terminal and execute the following command:
yarn dev
  1. Open another terminal and execute the following command:
yarn dev:web

About Packages

React tips

Pass all the props from a parent component to a child component:

Graphql tutorial