Fullscreen layout
pikajude opened this issue · 7 comments
Hi, I think this feature existed in chunkwm but I can't find it in yabai. Basically, I have a massive external monitor that I use at work, which bsp works great for. When I work from home, I like to have most of the apps I use be (non-native) fullscreen, i.e. yabai -m window --toggle zoom-fullscreen
, but for every app. This ensures I get max screen real estate and can alt tab through windows without having to switch spaces as I would if they were native fullscreen.
Is there a way to write a layout where every window is fullscreen zoomed? or is there a way to write a command that can do it for me?
Thanks a lot @koekeishiya it's really useful for 11-13 inches screens
Implemented on master using #203 as the backing mechanism.
yabai -m config layout stack
yabai -m config --space 3 layout stack
yabai -m space --layout stack
yabai -m window --focus stack.first
yabai -m window --focus stack.prev
yabai -m window --focus stack.next
yabai -m window --focus stack.recent
yabai -m window --focus stack.last
Updated docs and changelog to reflect the changes made for this issue. I have yet to be able to fully test this feature; did anyone encounter any bugs as a result of these changes, or does it seem fine?
@koekeishiya Has been working fine for me so far!
Hey guys been loving yabai so far, moving from amethyst who would fail every here and then. I've been mainly using this layout but theres a few things i cant work around just yet, so i figured i would ask, btw if there is a better place to do so pls let me know!
So how would i be able to move a window within a stack to another space?
@danielhra You should be able to use the same command that you would in any other mode than stacking to do the same thing (in my.skhdrc
shift + ralt - 2 : yabai -m window --space 2
to move the focused window to space 2 for example. Of course to do this you will need the scripting additions installed and loaded, and the workspace will need to exist (personally I always have 10 workspaces created so I don't have to worry about bindings for creating and deleting workspaces)
P.S. This may not be the best place for you to ask about this, or for me to answer, but it worked out since I had alerts on for this issue lol