
attachments collection

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attachments collection

import java.util.*

class HomeFragment : Fragment() {

    private lateinit var changesAdapter: CompactChangesAdapter
    private lateinit var changesRecycler: RecyclerView
    private lateinit var tasks: MutableList<Tasks.TaskData>
    private lateinit var tasksRecycler: RecyclerView
    private lateinit var tasksTitle: TextView
    private lateinit var tasksRecyclerLayout: LinearLayout
    private lateinit var posts: MutableList<CompactPostsAdapter.PostData>
    private lateinit var unreadPostsRecycler: RecyclerView
    private lateinit var messagesLayout: LinearLayout
    private lateinit var messagesAdapter: ConversationsAdapter

     * Update tasks title to reflect the current number of undone tasks
     * Also hide or show recycler layout if needed
    fun updateTasksTitle() {
        // Update title
        if (tasks.size == 0 || tasksRecycler.adapter?.itemCount == 0) {
            // If tasks list is now empty, update title to display everything is done
            // Hide recycler layout as it would just show an empty border
            tasksRecyclerLayout.visibility = View.GONE
        } else {
            // Else update the title to show the number of undone tasks
            tasksTitle.text = SphPlanner.appContext().resources.getQuantityString(
            // Make sure tasks recycler layout is visible
            tasksRecyclerLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE

    // Refresh whenever the broadcast "uichange" is received
    private val uichangeReceiver: BroadcastReceiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
        override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {

            // Update posts list with new unread posts
            if (intent.getStringExtra("content") == "posts") {
                // If there wasn't any post or any task before but now is,
                // it's easier to recreate the fragment
                if (!::unreadPostsRecycler.isInitialized
                        || unreadPostsRecycler.adapter == null
                        || tasksRecycler.adapter == null) {
                    view?.post {
                                .replace(R.id.nav_host_fragment, HomeFragment())

                // Add all new posts to the top of the posts list
                // Removed posts will not be removed
                val unreadPosts = PostsDb.getInstance().getData("unread = 1")
                for (post in unreadPosts) {
                    if (!posts.contains(post)) {
                        posts.add(0, post)

                // Add all new tasks to the top of the tasks list
                val unreadTasks = TasksDb.getInstance().getUndoneData(false)
                for (task in unreadTasks) {
                    if (tasks.indexOfFirst { it.id == task.id } == -1) {
                        tasks.add(0, task)
                // Update tasks title

            // Update tasks and posts list when a task is done
            else if (intent.getStringExtra("content") == "taskDone"
                    && ::tasks.isInitialized) {
                val taskId = intent.getStringExtra("taskId")
                val postId = intent.getStringExtra("postId")

                // If tasks list contains this, notify tasks aapter, else add it
                val taskIndex = tasks.indexOfFirst { it.id == taskId }
                if (taskIndex != -1) {
                    // Remove this task from the recycler
                } else if (!intent.getBooleanExtra("isDone", true)) {
                    val taskToAdd = TasksDb.getInstance().getDataById(taskId, false)
                    if (taskToAdd != null) {
                        // Add task to the top of the list if it is not done and wasn't there before
                        tasks.add(0, taskToAdd)
                // Update title

                if (postId != null) {
                    // If posts list contains this, notify it
                    val postIndex = posts.indexOfFirst { it.id == postId }
                    if (postIndex != -1) unreadPostsRecycler.adapter?.notifyItemChanged(postIndex)
            } else if (intent.getStringExtra("content") == "changes" &&
                    && ::changesAdapter.isInitialized) {

                // Update changes ui

                changesAdapter.changes = ChangesDb.instance!!.getFavorites()
                // Make sure the layout is visible
                if (changesAdapter.changes.isNotEmpty())
                    changesRecycler.visibility = View.VISIBLE

            } else if (intent.getStringExtra("content") == "messages" &&
                    ::messagesAdapter.isInitialized &&
                    Firebase.remoteConfig.getBoolean("messages_enabled")) {

                // Update messages

                // Get the updated conversation
                val updateId = intent.getStringExtra("id")
                val updatedInfo = ConversationsDb()
                                "archived=0 AND conversation_id=\"$updateId\"")

                if (updatedInfo != null) {
                    if (intent.getStringExtra("type") == "new") {
                        // New conversation, just add it to the top of the list
                        messagesAdapter.conversations.add(0, updatedInfo)

                        // Make sure the layout is visible
                        messagesLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE
                    } else if (intent.getStringExtra("type") == "metachanged") {
                        // Updated conversation, find and update it in the list
                        // Move it to the top while we're at it
                        val index = messagesAdapter.conversations.indexOfFirst { it.id == updateId }
                        if (index != -1) {
                            // Remove current position and push to list
                            messagesAdapter.conversations.add(0, updatedInfo)
                            // Notify item moved to top and changed
                            messagesAdapter.notifyItemMoved(index, 0)


    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // Register to receive messages.

    override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater,
                              container: ViewGroup?,
                              savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {

        val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, container, false)

        // Set random greeting as action bar title, once per app start, or after 30 minutes
        if (SphPlanner.randomGreeting == null || Date().time - SphPlanner.randomGreetingTime > 30 * 60 * 1000) {
            SphPlanner.randomGreeting = Utility.getGreeting()
            SphPlanner.randomGreetingTime = Date().time
        (activity as AppCompatActivity).supportActionBar?.title = SphPlanner.randomGreeting

         * Timetable

        val timetableLayout = view.findViewById<LinearLayout>(R.id.timetableLayout)
        val timetable = view.findViewById<FragmentContainerView>(R.id.timetableFragment)
        if (FunctionTilesDb.getInstance().supports(FunctionTile.FEATURE_TIMETABLE)) {
                    .add(R.id.timetableFragment, TimetableViewFragment())
            timetableLayout.setOnClickListener {
                Navigation.findNavController(requireActivity(), R.id.nav_host_fragment)
                        .navigate(R.id.timetableFromHomeAction, null, null,
                                FragmentNavigatorExtras(timetable to "timetable"))
        } else timetableLayout.visibility = View.GONE

         * Messages

        messagesLayout = view.findViewById(R.id.messagesLayout)
        val messagesRecycler = view.findViewById<RecyclerView>(R.id.messagesRecycler)

        if (FunctionTilesDb.getInstance().supports(FunctionTile.FEATURE_MESSAGES)
                && FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance().getBoolean("messages_enabled")) {

            // Get info for unread conversations
            val unreadMessages = ConversationsDb().getConversationInfo(
            messagesAdapter = ConversationsAdapter(unreadMessages, requireActivity(), compactMode = true)
            messagesRecycler.adapter = messagesAdapter

            // If no unread messages are to be displayed, hide the layout
            if (unreadMessages.isEmpty()) {
                messagesLayout.visibility = View.GONE

            // Navigate to fragments tab
            messagesLayout.setOnClickListener {
                Navigation.findNavController(requireActivity(), R.id.nav_host_fragment)


         * Personalized changes

        val changesTitle = view.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.changesTitleTextView)
        val changesLayout = view.findViewById<LinearLayout>(R.id.changesLayout)
        changesRecycler = view.findViewById(R.id.changesRecycler)

        if (FunctionTilesDb.getInstance().supports(FunctionTile.FEATURE_CHANGES)) {

            // Get changes for favorite courses and display them
            val personalizedChanges = ChangesDb.instance!!.getFavorites()
            // Create changes adapter
            changesAdapter = CompactChangesAdapter(personalizedChanges) {
                        .navigate(R.id.changesFromHomeAction, bundleOf("favorites" to personalizedChanges.isNotEmpty()))
            changesRecycler.adapter = changesAdapter
            if (personalizedChanges.isEmpty()) {
                changesTitle.text = getString(R.string.changes_personalized_none)
                changesRecycler.visibility = View.GONE

            // Set onclick if there are any changes, else display message
            if (personalizedChanges.isNotEmpty() || ChangesDb.instance!!.existAny()) {
                changesLayout.setOnClickListener {
                            .navigate(R.id.changesFromHomeAction, bundleOf("favorites" to personalizedChanges.isNotEmpty()))
            } else {
                // Hide next icon if there are no changes
                changesTitle.text = getString(R.string.changes_none)
                changesTitle.setCompoundDrawablesRelative(null, null, null, null)

        } else changesLayout.visibility = View.GONE

         * Undone tasks

        val tasksLayout = view.findViewById<LinearLayout>(R.id.tasksLayout)
        tasksRecyclerLayout = view.findViewById(R.id.tasksRecyclerLayout)
        tasksRecycler = view.findViewById(R.id.tasksRecycler)
        tasksTitle = view.findViewById(R.id.tasksTitleTextView)
        val moreTasksText = view.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.moreTasksTextView)

        if (FunctionTilesDb.getInstance().supports(FunctionTile.FEATURE_COURSES)) {

            tasks = TasksDb.getInstance().getUndoneData(false)
            var tasksOverflow = 0
            if (tasks.size > 6) {
                tasksOverflow = tasks.size - 6
                // Display more tasks message
                moreTasksText.text = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.tasks_personalized_more, tasksOverflow, tasksOverflow)
                moreTasksText.visibility = View.VISIBLE

            if (tasks.isNotEmpty()) {
                // Set up recycler with undone tasks, shows only 5 at a time
                tasksRecycler.adapter = CompactTasksAdapter(
                        onClick = {
                            // Show single task bottom sheet
                            TaskSheet(it.id).show(parentFragmentManager, "task")
                        onTaskCheckedChanged = Tasks().onCheckedChanged(requireActivity()) { task, isDone ->
                            if (isDone) {
                                // Update tasks dataset
                                val index = tasks.indexOfFirst { it.id == task.id }
                                if (tasks.size < 6) (tasksRecycler.adapter as CompactTasksAdapter)
                                // Update overflow counter
                                if (tasksOverflow > 0) {
                                    if (tasksOverflow > 0)
                                        moreTasksText.text = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.tasks_personalized_more, tasksOverflow, tasksOverflow)
                                    else moreTasksText.visibility = View.GONE
                                // Update title and hide if necessary
            // Show the number of undone tasks or that everything is done
            // Will also handle hiding tasks recycler layout if necessary

            // Open all undone tasks on click
            tasksLayout.setOnClickListener {
                Navigation.findNavController(requireActivity(), R.id.nav_host_fragment)
                        .navigate(R.id.tasksFromHomeAction, bundleOf("undone" to true))

        } else tasksLayout.visibility = View.GONE

         * Unread posts

        val unreadPostsLayout = view.findViewById<LinearLayout>(R.id.unreadPostsLayout)
        unreadPostsRecycler = view.findViewById(R.id.unreadPostsRecycler)
        val moreUnreadText = view.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.moreUnreadTextView)

        if (FunctionTilesDb.getInstance().supports(FunctionTile.FEATURE_COURSES)) {

            // Get unread posts
            // and up to 4 read posts
            // We'll only display 4 posts,
            // but unread posts will get removed once they are read
            posts = PostsDb.getInstance().getData("posts.unread = 1")
            var postsOverflow = 0
            if (posts.size > 4) {
                postsOverflow = posts.size - 4
                // Display more unread posts text
                moreUnreadText.text = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.posts_more_unread, postsOverflow, postsOverflow)
                moreUnreadText.visibility = View.VISIBLE
            posts.addAll(PostsDb.getInstance().getData("posts.unread = 0",
                    "ORDER BY posts.date DESC LIMIT 4"))

            if (posts.isNotEmpty()) {
                // Only show posts if there are any
                unreadPostsRecycler.adapter = CompactPostsAdapter(posts, 4)
                { post: CompactPostsAdapter.PostData, _: View ->
                    // Show single post bottom sheet
                    PostSheet(post.id).show(parentFragmentManager, "post")

                    // If the post was unread, mark as read
                    if (post.unread) {
                        post.unread = false
                        // Update overflow counter
                        if (postsOverflow != 0)
                            moreUnreadText.text = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.posts_more_unread, postsOverflow, postsOverflow)
                        else moreUnreadText.visibility = View.GONE

                        // Move the post down the list until it's at its correct position by date
                        val index = posts.indexOf(post)
                        var nextIndex = index
                        var postMoved = false
                        // Skip all indizes with posts that are also unread
                        // Maximum 8 shifts to avoid long runtime
                        while (nextIndex < 8
                                && posts.getOrNull(nextIndex + 1) != null
                                && (posts[nextIndex + 1].unread
                                        || post.date.before(posts[nextIndex + 1].date))) {
                            postMoved = true
                            // Overwrite this with the next post and notify the adapter
                            posts[nextIndex] = posts[nextIndex + 1]
                            unreadPostsRecycler.adapter?.notifyItemMoved(nextIndex + 1, nextIndex)
                        // If the post moved, the entry at nextindex is now duplicated
                        // and can be replaced by this post, again update adapter for this position
                        if (postMoved) posts[nextIndex] = post
            } else {
                unreadPostsLayout.visibility = View.GONE

            // Open all posts on click
            unreadPostsLayout.setOnClickListener {
                val bundle =
                        if (postsOverflow != 0) bundleOf("filters" to arrayOf("unread"))
                        else bundleOf()
                Navigation.findNavController(requireActivity(), R.id.nav_host_fragment)
                        .navigate(R.id.allPostsFromHomeAction, bundle)

        } else unreadPostsLayout.visibility = View.GONE

         * Pinned attachments

        val pinsLayout = view.findViewById<LinearLayout>(R.id.pinsLayout)
        val pinsTitle = view.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.pinsTitleTextView)
        val pinsRecycler = view.findViewById<RecyclerView>(R.id.pinsRecycler)

        if (FunctionTilesDb.getInstance().supports(FunctionTile.FEATURE_COURSES)) {

            val pins = AttachmentsDb.pins()

            if (pins.isEmpty()) {
                pinsTitle.text = getString(R.string.attachments_pins_none)
                pinsRecycler.visibility = View.GONE
            } else {
                // Set up pins recycler
                pinsRecycler.adapter = AttachmentsAdapter(
                        AttachmentManager().onAttachmentClick(requireActivity()) { _: Int, _: Attachment -> },
                        AttachmentManager().onAttachmentLongClick(requireActivity()) { action: Int, attachment: Attachment ->
                            if (action == AttachmentManager.ATTACHMENT_UNPINNED) {
                                // Attachment no longer pinned
                                // Remove it from the list
                                val index = pins.indexOf(attachment)
                                // Notify the adapter
                                // Hide title and recycler if this was the last pin
                                if (pins.isEmpty()) {
                                    pinsTitle.text = getString(R.string.attachments_pins_none)
                                    pinsRecycler.visibility = View.GONE
                            } else if (action == AttachmentManager.ATTACHMENT_RENAMED_PIN) {
                                // Update item in recycler
                                val index = pins.indexOfFirst { it.attachId() == attachment.attachId() }
                                pins[index] = attachment

            // Open all attachments fragment on click
            pinsLayout.setOnClickListener {
                // todo attachments collection

        } else pinsLayout.visibility = View.GONE

        return view


    override fun onDestroy() {
        // Unregister broadcast receiver

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