
For some RTL-SDR sticks the idProduct number is 2832 in stead of 2838

hugocoolens opened this issue · 3 comments

I noticed for the RTL-SDR stick I am using the line mentioned on page 162
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2838", OWNER="pi", MODE="0660"
should be replaced by:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2832", OWNER="pi", MODE="0660"

Using the original line mentioned in the book resulted in the following error message when running "docker logs -f rtl433tomqtt":
Please fix the device permissions, e.g. by installing the udev rules file rtl-sdr.rules

Apparently some sticks use 2838, while others 2832

Yes, I should have made it clear that you need to look at the values that lsusb shows for your device. This is now only shown after the udev rule in the book.

Which model of the RTL-SDR stick is this?

Yes, I should have made it clear that you need to look at the values that lsusb shows for your device. This is now only shown after the udev rule in the book.

Which model of the RTL-SDR stick is this?

Sorry but I can't tell you, I have this stick already a few years, I removed the original case and I built it in a new aluminum case for better EMC-properties and cooling.

Ok, no problem, I was just curious. But I added your remark now to the errata in 33be20f. Thanks again!