
feature request-- color persistence on a per-site basis

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Beige looks great on sites that have earthy color tones, but terrible on sites that use a lot of blues. It would be useful for WhiteBuster to store the color chosen for a particular site whenever the user sees the need to change the color.

It would also be cool if it could somehow harmonize with the redshift project and nix the blues in the evening to prevent sleep-deprivation caused by to lack of serotonin production. Well, maybe that's crazy talk but I thought it should be mentioned.

WhiteBuster is a great plugin, btw, particularly when Chromium lacks the userContent.css option that Firefox has.

Thank you :)

Interesting idea, I may add a 'lock' button to fix the color on that site. Added to my todo list.

As for integrating with redshift etc, that is out of the scope of this project.

Sounds good! Or another possibility is to not change the UI. If a user proactively changes the color of a page, then the color could simply stick for that page.

If there were a button to temporarily override all sticky colors, so that a user could manually choose lavender blush at night without affecting the presets, that might be useful.