
Font Issue

Closed this issue · 10 comments

how to add custom font for text and please can you make the text position is flexible to top or bottom

These features can be done. Currently working on some new features and l will consider add these requests to it. So expect it in the next version release which l believe is very soon.

@kofigyan thank you if u please can release it soon coz my app will be released in the next few days thanks 🥇

Ok @geniusforapp. I am working hard to expedite the release of new features. I will keep you posted on this.

@kofigyan Any update please 👍

Hi @geniusforapp , ability to add custom fonts to state items and state description feature completed now. Please consult the docs for details(quick intro at Readme.md main page). Apologies. I should have introduced this feature earlier.

@kofigyan thanks bro i will update the lib , one more thing can u update also the position of the font to the top or bottom

Thank you @anajar for the positive feedback. With regard to your feature request(ie. position of the font to the top or bottom) l am assuming you mean ability to move state number position up or down. Let me if my understanding of your question is correct.

@kofigyan no i mean the text it self of the status let's say progress one text now its in the bottom if there is a method that can help me to move it top or chose between top or bottom or start or end of the dot


If we take this screenshot as an example. You mean ability to move the descriptions["Details", "Status", "Photo", "Confirm"] to the top/bottom etc. right ?

@kofigyan yes this what he mean