
is it possible can set click event at circles?

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is it possible can set click event at circles?

Please can you describe the scenario or possibly the use case for such a feature.

I want when i click on mStateNumber of circle so get value of clicked draw circle.

Give me any suggestion it's important.

i also want the same feature so that i can change stage on onClick event of circle.

So did you get something?

Hi @ajayqualwebs , please sorry for the delay. I have started exploring the possible solution to your request. I am working on it alongside another feature request so please give me at most a week to get back to with an answer. I am currently exploring ways and means of getting support from the community so l can concentrate much of my time on adding many of the feature requests.

Ok thanks for this improvement.

Hi @ajayqualwebs and @yatindeokar the features are fully implemented now and available to the general public. How to use :

  1. Add to build.gradle
    implementation 'com.kofigyan.stateprogressbar:stateprogressbar:0.0.8'

  2. Add the following codes
    `stateProgressBar.setOnStateItemClickListener(new OnStateItemClickListener() {
    public void onStateItemClick(StateProgressBar stateProgressBar, StateItem stateItem, int stateNumber, boolean isCurrentState) {
    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "state Clicked Number is " + stateNumber, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


I will be working on full documentation tomorrow after l finish lecturing my students.

Thank You very much, for this wonderful library which I already implement with my project, but it's become more reliable for other.
Thanks Again.

You are welcome @ajayqualwebs.