
Top-bar layout unavailable

aissasell opened this issue · 0 comments

Trying to add the top-bar layout for the frontend, the layout does not exist in the bundle, so i just made a copy past from AdminLTE top-bar layout file into a file in AppBundle called layout.html.twig

i have 2 bundles:

  • AdminBundle: for the backend

  • AppBundle: for the frontend

After making this copy past i see the side bar apearing in the frontend so i just moved this line below inside

{% block inner_body %}
<body class="hold-transition {{ admin_lte_skin|default('skin-blue') }} sidebar-mini login-page {{ sidebar_collapse(app.session) }}">

It is working verry well, but the problem is that the vendor folder isnt tracked by GIT and i dont wanna track it because its full of heavy dependencies. And when i push the project to a git repository and someone else gonna clone the repository he will find the same problem again.

So i am asking if there is a way to change this in the bundle by default, or just make a top-bar layout, actually this is gonna be awesome :)