
DataTables version

jvbussel opened this issue · 4 comments


Thanks fro this great bundle.

Currently I get in the plugins directory DataTables 1.10.7
But I want to have 1.10.15

What to do to get this latest version?

You can install it via composer and use as external js/css.
It's main reason why I not include all plugins by default.

All pluging you can find in path /web/bundles/sbsadminlte/plugins.
But as I says before they are not include in main js/css.
For include some else see documentations


I already found it. It is not your bundle which causes a specific version of DataTables to be installed. It is the AdminLTE bundle which is shipped with specific versions of plugins. I wished it had dependencies making it easier to update to newer versions.

Thanks again.