
How to interpret Brier score under survival setting?

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Hi, I'm having difficulty understanding the brier score plot stratified by mortality. Why the 0-15 perc has lower values for the short survival times and higher prediciton errors in the long survival times? The trend for 75-100 is a reverse of this observation. In addition, why prediction error is higher at the middle time ranges? See plot attached. Thanks!
brier score

There is very little data out in tails (larger time) therefore the Brier score (BS) is less likely accurate here. If you consider time <= 20, the BS is lower for the 0-25% group.

Hi @ishwaran, thanks for your reply. However, there is also more data points in time <= 20 for the 75-100% group. why does that group have high (near 0.25, from ~3-18 months) BS scores?