
Dead links on madoko.net

CommunicationAnimale opened this issue ยท 9 comments

I noticed three dead links on the madoko.net homepage:

There are also many references to Codeplex, and all these links show pages with the mention "This project is read-only." with no links to this github repo. (in "What software does Madoko use?" and "Any useful links?").

Some minor changes could also be made to other links which currently immediately redirect to another page (eg "http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/" -> "https://revealjs.com/#/", or "nodejs.org/" -> "https://nodejs.org/").

Is the website open source ? I'd gladly take care of this myself, but couldn't find the source.

@daanx Could you look into this? https://www.madoko.net is completely down for me.

Same here, the editor (https://www.madoko.net/editor.html) is not available anymore ๐Ÿ˜•

daanx commented

The website should be back up again -- server trouble :-(

daanx commented

I'll update the codeplex links to link to the new github repository instead -- thanks for the reminder. The other demo links are a bit more troublesome; they are meant to be html served documents that are readonly (and can only be edited locally by a user). However, I can no longer host from the Microsoft research website so I need to put them somewhere else. I am thinking about using github.io for that but just haven't gotten around to doing that.. . to be continued

kvn-s commented

http://madoko.org seems to be down as well. It's a lovely project. Please don't let it die...

daanx commented

Ah darn -- no idea what is causing madoko.org to be down :-( I am looking into it but I probably missed a verification email.

No worries -- Madoko is alive and kicking and I am committed to maintaining and improving it (and supported by my group at MSR :-)). It would be good though if I can find a more automated way to maintain the current server setup.

Excellent news!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š

daanx commented

I did indeed miss the email verification notices :-( I verified but it says it can take up to 24 hours before madoko.org is online again. Madoko.net is unaffected

Another dead link is the "For more information look at the Madoko manual" bit at the end of the readme.md here on github.