Questions on Parameters/Settings to get the 7 Regimes in the example
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Hello kokikwbt,
thank you for the possibility to use the Python code for AutoPlait. First of all, I am sorry to ask a few "stupid" questions on the use of the code and I am sorry for my bad English. I am quite new with Python at all and new at GitHub.
Now my topic and the reason, why I want to ask you:
I want to use AutoPlait for an automatic segmentation of time-series, that are speed profiles over time, recorded from vehicles. I thought AutoPlait would be an interesting tool for this Task. Then I downloaded your code and tried the example dataset, but unfortunately, it was very slow on my Computer (several seconds) and I didn't get Segmentation with (7 Regimes) in the png-file of your example.
My question I want to ask you:
Did I use the wrong Parameters like MINK, MAXK, INFER_ITER_MIN, etc? Or are there other tricks to make AutoPlait faster, because in the paper abouth AutoPlait, it should take less then one second, for time series, with less the 10^3 as length of boundle?
I hope it is clear, whats my question.
Thank You very much in Advance
Erik Bräutigam