
Mineflayer physicTick event

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I followed the tutorial and everything, signed up for chatgpt twice because i bought the wrong product the first time lol and finally made progress to this screen. Now im stuck and cannot get past this error, am i just dumb? how do i fix this.


P.S. amazing work, have not used it yet but i am looking forward to doing so.

So i changed settings "Auth" from offline to microsoft, it asked me to authenticate and so i did. now it just keeps spamming the same stuff on repeat.

Try the solution here: #30 (comment)

Try the solution here: #30 (comment)

Thank you for the fast reply! I understand the solution, however does this mean that the bot needs its own minecraft account to play?

Try the solution here: #30 (comment)

Thank you for the fast reply! I understand the solution, however does this mean that the bot needs its own minecraft account to play?

for microsoft authentication yes, for offline mode no, btw i came accross the same error about physictick but it didnt cause any problem

The physicstick is an unrealted warning that is always there. If you are playing offline this should not be an issue.

Everytime i try to use the bot offline, i just receive the error "Agent process exited with code 0 and signal null, the server i am hosting says the bots username failed to verify too. Is there something i am doing wrong?


Edit: I have only just realised in the server properties file, there was a small section called "online mode" and i had it set to true. Since setting this option to false the bot now works with auth set to offline. I apologise for my stupidity lol....

I am not sure how to close this ticket, if you wouldnt mind closing it for me. thank you for your help!

Everytime i try to use the bot offline, i just receive the error "Agent process exited with code 0 and signal null,

Did you apply the patch mentioned on npm install? I had the same problem of "Agent process exited with code 0" and after applying the patch (npx patch-package mineflayer) it worked.

the server i am hosting says the bots username failed to verify too

You have to use the UUID of your minecraft user, not the username:

    "minecraft_version": "1.20.4",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 55920,
    "auth": "microsoft",
    "username": "e4e3b43d44994098be3ccace0dc3508f",
    "password": "YourPassword",
    "allow_insecure_coding": false

@homberger you seem to be familiar with setting up the AI bot could you give me a hand please im having the same issues Mineflayer detected that you are using a deprecated event (physicTick)! Please use this event (physicsTick) instead. If possible could you guide me via discord thank you! user: Jjrockz